General Information

Combined Degrees programs at the University of Lethbridge are generally 50 courses (five years) in length and provide students with the opportunity to meet the requirements for two degrees offered by two different Faculties or Schools. Note that some Combined Degrees programs require more than 50 courses. Students must be admitted to both Faculties and/or Schools responsible for a particular Combined Degrees program before they may be registered formally in the program. Some programs have enrolment limits and there is no guarantee of admission to Combined Degrees programs. The student is granted neither degree until all program requirements for both degrees are satisfied.

All applicants to Combined Degrees programs must meet the general admission requirements and deadlines outlined in Admission.

If a student is admitted to a Combined Degrees program and subsequently withdraws from the program, the student must make a formal application to the Faculty or School in which he or she intends to pursue a degree.

The University of Lethbridge offers programs leading to the following Combined Degrees:

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (50 courses)

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education (50 courses)

Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art/Bachelor of Education (50 courses)

Bachelor of Fine Arts - Dramatic Arts/Bachelor of Education (50 courses)

Bachelor of Fine Arts - New Media/Bachelor of Education (50 courses)

Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education (52 courses)

Bachelor of Management/Bachelor of Education (50 courses)

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Management (50 courses)

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Management (50 courses)

Bachelor of Fine Arts - New Media/Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) (50 courses)

Bachelor of Fine Arts - New Media/Bachelor of Management (50 courses)

Bachelor of Health Sciences (Addictions Counselling)/Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) (50 courses)

Bachelor of Health Sciences/Bachelor of Management (50 courses)

*Post-Diploma Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art/Bachelor of Education (35 courses)

*Post-Diploma Bachelor of Fine Arts - Dramatic Arts/Bachelor of Education (35 courses)

*Post-Diploma Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education (35 courses)

Post-Diploma Bachelor of Management/Bachelor of Education (35 courses)

*After a two- or three-year diploma