The bodies were much shrunken & quite mummified. The arm & leg bones projecting & heads nearly all broken in. They were scattered irregularly over a little area on the slope of a gentle hill. They had been on foot. If mounted originally their horses must have first been stolen from them. They had evidently been surrounded by a greatly superior number of Peagins & made preparations for a desperate resistence. They had dug shallow rifle pits, probably choosing badger toses [tosses?] to begin on, & piled stones & earth up round the edges. There were about 7 of these altogether some larger & some smaller but offering very poor shelter at best. Their enemies had ev.d.n? ridden round & round them in indian style firing as they ran. One horse had been killed. The Crows must have inflicted heavy loss on their adversaries from their position but had been eventually themselves all killed. The bodies lying nearly all round the edges of the pits. They had been cut & slashed in all directions often in death. Some had as many as three bullet holes through the skull. One body on being turned over showed 5 bullets variously flattened & bent which had dropped out during decay. Nearly all lay on their faces for convenience of scalping. The scalps had been removed from the forehead to the back of the neck. All had a great gash just below the ribs made by a knife for some purpose. Found a number of bullets,

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