Geol. At the first crossing of the Souris in coming from the West found a small exposure showing a bed of lignite cropping out at the waters edge. About 18" are seen. Overlying it greysish sandy-clay rather hard, a few feet seen. Lignite with amber spots & quite resembling that seen at Wood End & elsewhere. Locality about 52.m.W. of Wood End & fills a gap between that place & exposures beyond Coteau.

The physical features met with in going W. from Wood End along the line are almost exactly repeated further North along the Traders Rd.

The Traders Road in going westward, after leaving the prairie level passes a long time along the gently sloping Northern foot of the ìCoteauî. The proper Coteau edge is visible to the South (a few miles off) as a gentle but continuous & well marked range of undulating hills. To the N. the sky line is level & sea like.

Shortly after leaving the last branch of the Souris on the road, it strikes into the Coteau proper, a region of drift hills often abrupt & sometimes stoney with basin like swamps & lakes, sometimes alkaline; & no regular system of drainage valleys or coulÈs. The road crosses this region obliquely, leaving it at a point about 39. m. E. of Woody Mt. Here the road dips suddenly down into a large valley running southwards where struck, which in many ways resembles the valley called the "Grand Canion" last year; but is characterized by saline lakes & apparently has no out fall. It probably represents the region on the western

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