far as this, leaving only the most refractory kinds? [Dawsonís ?] Silicious pebble drift a true shingle & just such as would be expected & arise from the denudation of a portion of the underlying boulder clay towards the close of the subsidence. The semi-angular & striated stones found below worn. into good pebbles by the action of the sea on beaches & banks.
Boulders of Laurentian origin generally run much larger than those belonging to silicious series. May arise only from greater homogeneity of rock or may show that originally larger ice coming from that direction.

Sept 10. Travelled from W. Fork to E. Fork in a single spell seeing no water by the way. Arrived at E. Fork between 10 & 11. Found depÙt all right & plenty of everything required. Stayed till about 3 P.M. Getting rations weighed out & distributed & depot broken up. Then travelled on to a lake about a mile N of the road & 5. m. E. of the depot.

Shortly after our arrival at the depot a few indians appeared. They turned out to be Crees & to have come from their large camp near that of the half-breeds. They were rather poorly dressed & provided & look a quiet bidable [biddable] people compared with the Assiniboins & Sioux. They picked up a number of little things left behind.

Shortly after the appearance of the indians a great train of Half breeds began arriving being on their way to join their friends at

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