he was & with what he posessed at the time of his death. The skull was broken and appeared to have been gashed by an axe or some similar instrument. A large quantity of tobacco in a bag was found near a handkerchief full of red paint powder. A bag made of a fragment of carped held a pair of childs moccasins & a little dressed skin pouch containing a charm? [Dawson's ?] Various blankets &c were also te be seen protruding from the soil.

We now travel in one party, the waggons & carts in a certain order. At night they are all drawn up so as to form a Kraal for the protection of the horses. Two men on watch the first half of each night, relieved at 12 by two more who stay on guard till 4 A.M. The camp is then called & the horses turned out in hobbles & the teamster whose turn it is to heard the horses takes charge of them till it is time to drive them up for their oats. Leave camp at 6 A.M.

Geol. The fosseliferous locality first visited on the crest of a little ridge about 4 mile W up St. Mary R. & parallel to the stoney crested ridge Aug 7 & in which silicified wood found. The fosseliferous bed belongs to the same series no doubt, overlying the silicified wood sandstone a few hundred feet & having the same strike & dip of about 30" W.S.W.ward. The bed where seen is almost a solid mass of fossil shells, chiefly ostreas & might be

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