of considerable thickness occurs bluish grey internally & weathering whitish externally (see specimens)

The lower limestone underlying Series 1. of former Section may be designated as Z & the tinted \softlinerocks below it by X. These two Series Z & X may be called for convenience the Waterton Lake Series.

There is to all appearance a want of conformity between the thick limestone designated by No. 5 & the beds below it. The latter including 4 3 2 & 1 being in all probability reducable to a single great Series.

On the E side of the N end of Waterton lake the limestone No. 5 is seen to rest directly upon the crimson beds of No 4. in an apparently unconformable manner (See section). On the N side of Kootanie Pass near its E. end No. 5 is again seen to rest above No. 4 but with probable intermediation of a small thickness of other beds. 51/2 m up the pass a very considerable thickness of greenish & reddish sandstones & slates intervene between 4 & 5. Underlying No. 5 in Mt Yarrel no thick belt of red beds was seen though a great thickness of green & red sandstones & slates with white quartzites &c was exposed.

In the Mts S of the S. end of Kootanie Pass (see Sect) the red bed ( No. 4) is much less important than in the N & does not appear to be persistent.

It would therefore appear (1) that the limestone No. 5 is underlain by a great thickness of variagated sandstones & slaty rocks, with quartzites &c. None

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