New Databases: Counseling and Therapy in Video: Volume IV and V

Counseling and Therapy in Video: Volume IV
Addresses new population groups, contemporary approaches and issues

Volume IV is tied to prevalent issues in counseling, such as the rise in cases involving underserved populations, racial trauma victims and veterans suffering from PTSD, as well as the compassion fatigue experienced by counselors themselves. This volume delivers content aligned with the CACREP eight common core areas, and introduces the DSM‑5® and ICD-10. Addressing topics such as psychopharmacology, neuroscience, LGBTQ+, and research methods for courses in counseling, social work, or psychology, Volume IV is an ideal supplement for in-class lectures and homework assignments. The only multimedia collection of the four counseling volumes, Volume IV includes both video and text to further enhance teaching, learning, and research opportunities.  

 Volume IV includes:

Counseling and Therapy in Video: Volume V
Comprehensive DSM-5® / ICD-10 coverage has built-in assessments to assess comprehension

Ideal for counseling, psychology, social work, nursing and other behavioral healthcare courses, Volume V helps students better recognize mental health disorders and provide accurate diagnoses via 400+ streaming mental health videos aligned to DSM-5®/ICD-10 content.  The films in this vast collection range from 30 seconds to 15 minutes and are easily integrated into courses and lectures, used for homework assignments, or for sparking class discussion.  Volume V also provides assessment options for faculty. 

For over 90 titles, there are 2 versions of each film available:

Access Counseling and Therapy in Video series

Posted on: December 16, 2021