Distributed Stations
<Insert Max Concurrent Usage graph (day of the week)>
  Unique Users Logins Total Usage (hours) Avg Duration (hours) Stations Used (Total: 91)[1]
September 508 2006 2270 1.13 89
October 594 2986 4342 1.45 90
November 503 2170 3050 1.41 90
December 338 1200 1918 1.60 86
Total 1086 8362 11580 1.39 90[2]

Duda, Bryson:
Number of unique stations that have been used at least once.
Total stations: 91 (85 distributed + 6 multimedia)
Duda, Bryson:
Reporting wasn't working on one of the multimedia stations, so it's likely that all stations did get used this semester.