Project Sandbox: Library Technology Workshops & Presentations: Spring 2019

PROJECT SANDBOX: Socializing - Innovating - Collaborating

Project Sandbox is an ongoing examination into the enhancement of student learning through providing tools, space, collaborative opportunities and education. The intent of this project is to come away with answers for users’ needs/wants and how to establish a space that is given value through the input of the people that use it.

Throughout the semester you can attend the Project Sandbox workshops and presentations to gain greater awareness of technologies available in the Library and how to use them.

All presentations and workshops are located in The Alcove (Library Level 10).

So you were told to be creative: Technology available in the Library and where to get started

So you were told to create a blog: How to use and customize WordPress

So you were told to create a blog: How to use and customize WordPress

So you were told to make a logo: How to design a logo with Adobe Illustrator

So you were told to make a video: How to create a professional look and edit a video with Adobe Premiere

So you were told to take a picture: How to use a DSLR camera and compose a photograph

So you were told to make a research poster: How to upgrade your design with Adobe Photoshop

So you were told to be creative: Technology available in the Library and where to get started

So you were told to make a logo: How to design a logo with Adobe Illustrator

So you were told to make a video: How to create a professional look and edit a video with Adobe Premiere

So you were told to take a picture: How to use a DSLR camera and compose a photograph

So you were told to make a research poster: How to upgrade your design with Adobe Photoshop

Posted on: January 17, 2019